2018年9月11日我们都有过这样的经历--当您坐在沙发上看电视时,看到屏幕上闪现出肯德基的广告,突然间,那美味的鸡肉就成了 你满脑子都是.好吧,也许只有我是肯德基的忠实粉丝(不要妄加评论!),但每个人都会以自己的方式体验对食物的渴望。一些幸运的人渴望健康的食物,而另一些人......嗯,我们宁愿在食槽边吃奶酪拼盘。
即使你吃得比Instagram适合的流感更健康,你仍然可能发现你渴望淘气的食物。这是因为渴望可能由很多事情引起,而不仅仅是你吃的常规食物。Jess 解释道:"营养缺乏、肠道健康不良、血糖不规则或饮食含糖量高和加工食品所致。
You might also be surprised to discover that it could be more than just what you’re putting in your mouth that’s affecting your hankering for certain foods. “Stress and sleep deprivation are also great triggers for food cravings,” says Jess. So if you’re constantly skimping on your shut-eye or in a perpetual state of panic at work, you might find yourself scrolling through Uber Eats more often.
我们已经知道我们每个人都会有渴望,现在是时候弄清楚为什么您会突然对某种食物着迷了。你看,特别渴望往往是您身体告诉您它 真的它可能不是肯德基鸡肉上的11种香草和香料。让我们来分析一下。
“Perhaps you’re low on energy or feeling fatigued. My suggestion is to swap to whole grain gluten-free sources of carbs like brown rice, quinoa, and sweet potato,” says Jess. “Ensure you’re eating protein with each meal to keep your blood sugar levels balanced while your body digests these carbs. These protein sources include meat, chicken, fish, turkey, eggs, legumes, beans, tempeh. Your gut may also not be in great shape, which can make you crave carbs.”
“You probably eating too much sugar! Try to go sugar-free – it’s hard at first but once you stop eating it, you will stop needing it,” advises Jess. “My suggestion is to cut sugar out of your diet and to keep even the healthy sugars to a minimum. An example of this would be eating low sugar fruits such as berries, grapefruit and lemons. I also love to suggest taking magnesium and chromium supplements to help manage sugar cravings. And try to avoid anything from a packet, which can be a big trigger for cravings.”
“Usually this means your hormonal system needs some love. Just enjoy good fats as opposed to the bad ones, such as avocado, nuts, seeds, coconut oil and olive oil,” Jess suggests.
To keep your wild cravings to a minimum, Jess suggests adjusting your day-to-day eating habits. “Every meal should contain protein, food fats, fiber and slow releasing carbs as these foods keep your blood sugar levels stable,” she says. “Avoid refined sugar and sweeteners, take care of your stress levels and make sure you’re sleeping eight to nine hours each night. Sipping on water with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar really reduces sugar cravings throughout the day, and taking a magnesium supplement at night can also help.”