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Proudly New Zealand Owned & Operated, 100% NZ Made – Quality Products You Can Trust!
Shop by Skin Type / Concern
Shop by Skin Type / Concern
2023 年 6 月 20 日 3 分钟阅读
1. Stay Hydrated
对一些人来说, 这可能是一种不用动脑筋的事, 但我们大多数人还是忘记每天喝足够的水, 更不用说在冬天了。在寒冷的月份里, 无论你是室内还是室外, 大量喝水是绝对必要的。准备一个水杯来时刻提醒自己多喝水。
2. Take Care Of Your Diet
正如古老的谚语所说, 我们和平时的饮食息息相关。多吃一些新鲜的蔬菜, 帮助你的肌肤补充水分。黄瓜和芹菜含有大量的水, 它们很适合当做零食来吃。橙色和黄色的蔬菜含有β-胡萝卜素, 是一种天然的抗氧化剂, 也将有助于提升皮肤健康。最后, 不要忘了多吃深绿色的蔬菜, 如菠菜等, 以帮助身体获得大量的维生素 A, B, E, 以及铁和欧米伽-3。
3. Don’t Skip Winter Exercise
冬天会让人变得懒惰, 因为我们慢慢滑入休眠模式。然而, 跳过每周健身房不仅对你的身体有害, 对皮肤也不好。锻炼能加强新陈代谢, 这意味着你可以清除毒素, 保持毛孔通畅!
4. Take Shorter Showers
不否定的说,大冬天的洗个热水澡是一件极其享受的事情。 但留在淋浴太久会导致身体脱水。试着用温水淋浴, 这样在走出卫生间的时候,身体毛孔不会收缩的那么厉害。并且在热水中待太久会让皮肤更加干燥,并有可能引发湿疹。
5. Stick To Natural Skincare Ingredients
During the winter, it’s important to switch to mild skincare products that target dehydration issues and contain natural skincare ingredients such as manuka honey, bee venom, royal jelly, collagen, and more. Using natural ingredients will help protect your skin from unnecessary chemical exposure when it’s most sensitive.
Our Bee Venom Pure Perfection Immediate Effect Moisturiser is enriched with seafill, white water lily, NZ bee venom, and manuka honey to tighten and lift the skin, diminish wrinkles, and keep your skin moist and fresh throughout the day and night. Another great winter companion is our Pure Perfection Extra-Firming Body Cream, powered by the anti-aging active JUVENESSENCE™, not only will it intensely hydrate and nourish dry and sensitive skin during winter it is also clinically proven to give the skin a significantly firmer and more elastic appearance.
Shop our skincare range here at abeeco, and keep your skin healthy every day of the year!