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Proudly New Zealand Owned & Operated, 100% NZ Made – Quality Products You Can Trust!
Shop by Skin Type / Concern
Shop by Skin Type / Concern
December 04, 2018 3 min read
任何形式的锻炼都有助于保持新陈代谢,帮助痛苦和放松,并释放内啡肽,让你感觉良好,但保持你的锻炼制度的顶部可能很难在一年中的这个时候。谢天谢地,我们很幸运,在新西兰夏令时和美丽的海滩,所以享受一些活跃的时间与你的家人,并充分利用较长的日子 - 与一些维生素D的额外好处!
确保你吃一个有益于有益早餐,午餐和晚餐与大量的蛋白质和良好的脂肪将帮助你感到饱足更长的时间,并帮助保持你的血糖稳定 - 更容易说不太多的圣诞礼物!
A deficiency in magnesium can cause sugar cravings so eating magnesium rich foods or adding a magnesium supplement to your regime can also help.
It’s difficult to stick to your usual sleeping habits at this time of the year but you can increase your chances of a good quality nights’ sleep by limiting caffeine after midday, limiting spicy foods during the evening that are difficult to digest, and keeping devices out of the bedroom. A magnesium supplement taken at night can also support relaxation, soothe muscle tension and ease stress ensuring a more restful and therefore quality night’s sleep – important for keeping the immune system and metabolism strong and energy levels high!
Festive celebrations usually come with all those delicious Christmas treats, but unfortunately consuming too many may cause stomach discomfort and bloating. Keeping your gut healthy is important to prevent and minimise this discomfort. A daily dose of turmeric can help your gut function more efficiently, and its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties help alleviate pain caused by spicy foods, alcohol consumption, and lack of exercise.
To help with flushing the extra food and alcohol out of your liver try adding a little lemon and natural sea salt to your water to sip on during the day. The lemon makes the water taste delicious and salt was traditionally used in ancient Ayurvedic medicine as a way to cleanse and detox the body.
• 大量的爱和良好的健康,杰西 x