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Proudly New Zealand Owned & Operated, 100% NZ Made – Quality Products You Can Trust!
Shop by Skin Type / Concern
Shop by Skin Type / Concern
2016年11月28日 3分钟阅读
All over the world people are benefiting from the pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties of bee venom. The 18 natural substances found in bee venom cannot be chemically reproduced and the most abundant active ingredients – mellitin, adolapin, and apamin – all have naturally occurring anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Combining bee venom with glucosamine in supplements may help joint pain and inflammation. Researchers also believe the combination of bee venom ingredients help the body release natural healing compounds.
There have been several scientific studies on the medicinal benefits of bee venom therapy, which is known as apitherapy, and the studies show promising results in treating pain and arthritic conditions and that bee venom may also help treat conditions such as multiple sclerosis, tendonitis, high blood pressure, asthma, hearing loss, dissolving scar tissue and even cancer. While more evidence is still being gathered about the effectiveness of bee venom therapy, with a number of scientific studies underway, personal testimonials from around the world show that many people are feeling the benefits.
It’s not just for pain relief, though. Bee venom, which can be found in everything from face masks, lip serums, and skin creams, is also venerated for its skincare attributes. It’s been labelled “nature’s botox” because of its miraculous ability to help tighten the skin and smooth the appearance of fine lines.
Celebrities like Kylie Minogue, Victoria Beckham and even the Duchess of Cambridge are reported to be avid users. In 2012, Kate’s beautician told the Daily Mail that Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, had introduced Kate to an organic face mask containing bee venom. Kate’s flawless, glowing complexion on her wedding day was attributed to the bee venom cream.
艾碧可的董事长Jude Salisbury解释说“蜂毒能够让你的皮肤有轻微的刺痛感,所以涂了该产品的部位的血液循环会加快,从而促进更多胶原蛋白和弹力蛋白的生成”。这家奥克兰公司多年来和当地的蜂农们合作,生产出高品质的蜂产品。这些产品还包括用于辅助治疗。
这家位于奥克兰的公司多年来一直与当地养蜂人合作, 生产出天然、高质量的蜂基产品。这些包括蜂毒膏和蜂毒+氨基葡萄糖胶囊,帮助缓解关节炎疼痛的问题。
使用了蜂毒膏的客户反映,蜂毒膏改善了他们的皮肤状况, 所以艾碧可开始寻找蜂毒的护肤性能。
“We decided to investigate this further and developed a bee venom skincare range,” says Salisbury. “With the reports of Kate using a bee venom mask made from New Zealand bee venom, suddenly everyone became interested and wanted to give it a try. The popularity of the mask led to us making a range of products; there’s a big demand.”
但是你可以放心, 在蜂毒的提取过程中没有蜜蜂受到伤害。Salisbury解释说, 蜂毒的收集是在一个特别的玻璃窗格旁边的蜂巢中。微弱的电流贯穿玻璃窗格, 刺激蜜蜂 去"蜇" 它。虽然蜇对于蜜蜂来说通常是致命, 然而它不会丢失它的刺,。之后我们会在玻璃表面收集蜜蜂的毒液。
对于环境的热爱和保护, 搜集蜂毒并不便宜。新西兰蜂毒以其纯度和高品质而闻名世界。当然不要被“蜂毒”给吓到,涂抹蜂毒产品并不会有疼痛感。
"有些人有刺痛的感觉;"每个人对于刺痛的感知不同,有些敏感的人可能感觉更强烈一些, "Salisbury说。
However, one thing is for sure, if you’re looking for a natural alternative that can both lessen your pain or make your skin look better, you need to try bee venom products.