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2018年7月12日 3 分钟阅读
July has arrived and so has Dry July. A great time of year to give your liver a rest and focus on re-establishing some healthier habits.
世界卫生组织 (who) 估计, 多达25的癌症与酒精有关。酒精被归类为1级致癌物质。若每天摄入三杯或以上的酒类饮品,胃癌和肝癌等癌症的风险会上涨;每天喝一杯酒,会助长乳腺癌的发病率。
传统的植物医学提供了有效的方法来维护你的肝脏健康, 特别是7月。
蒲公英(Taraxacum ininale) 是已知最古老的药用植物之一,已成功用于支持肝脏、 胆囊和胰腺健康.苦甜的味道增加消化果汁的流量,有助于消化和食物的适当分解。蒲公英还支持毒素、废物和激素的分解。支持你的排毒途径是必不可少的 - 因为你吃,喝和放在皮肤上的一切必须通过肝脏消除。蒲公英最好的地方是整个植物是药用的,包括根部!
St Mary's Thistle (Silybum marianum) is the most researched of all the liver medicinal plants. A 2012 clinical trial(1) by Loguercio et al. showed that when given in combination with vitamin E, there was an improvement in both liver enzymes and the health of liver cells. It also boosted glutathione (which is a potent antioxidant) by 271 per cent - crucial for regular liver detoxification.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) has been used as a medicine, spice and colouring agent for thousands of years. Scientific research confirms what traditional medicine has long known – a 2013 study(2) by Gupta et al. showed curcumin has beneficial actions on many bodily systems. It is clinically used to protect the liver against hepatic diseases, chronic heavy metal exposure and alcohol use. It is traditionally added to food or can be taken as a modern concentrated extract. Adding black pepper to turmeric increases the absorption of the active constituent curcumin, as does the addition of fat, such as coconut oil.
As well as supporting your liver with a targeted plant medicine boost, consider eating vegetables from the brassica family every day to enhance your liver health. They include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts which are particularly beneficial for the liver due to the presence of a substance called sulforaphane which enhances detoxification.
For this Dry July, try to incorporate more medicinal plants and foods into your life. Dandelion and St Mary's thistle make a great medicinal drink to help lessen alcohol cravings and help regenerate and protect your liver as you establish these new and important habits.
(1) 洛格西奥 C, 安德烈奥 P, 布里斯克 C, 布里斯克 MC, 布迪亚内西 E, 基亚拉蒙特 M, 库萨罗 C, 达尼拉 M, 德西奥 I, 弗洛雷亚尼 A, 弗雷尼 MA, 格里科 A, 格罗波 M, 拉扎里 R, 洛贝洛 S, 洛雷菲斯 E, 马尔戈蒂 M, 米耶 L, 米兰 S, 奥科利奇尼L,帕拉西亚诺G,波尔廷卡萨P,萨尔塔雷利P,斯梅迪莱A,索马尔维科F,斯帕达罗A,斯波雷亚I,索伦蒂诺P,韦奇奥内R,图西洛C,德尔韦奇奥布兰科C,费德里科A.Silybin结合磷脂酰胆碱和维生素E在非脂肪酒精肝病患者: 随机对照试验.免费拉迪克生物醇2012 5月1;52(9):1658-65.doi:10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2012.02.008。Epub 格式 2012 2 月 15.
(2)苏巴什·古普塔、斯里德维·帕奇瓦、巴拉特·阿加瓦尔。姜黄素的治疗作用:从临床试验中吸取的教训。AAPS J. 2013 年 1 月;15(1): 195–218.发布在线 2012 11 月 10。doi: 10.1208/s12248-012-9432-8
新西兰先驱报 8 六月 2018