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Proudly New Zealand Owned & Operated, 100% NZ Made – Quality Products You Can Trust!
Shop by Skin Type / Concern
Shop by Skin Type / Concern
by Abeeco Expert January 06, 2024 3 min read
Key Highlights:
These are the top 5 Bee Pollen benefits that we are excited about:
The term ‘superfood’ gets bandied about a lot but one that really deserves the accolade is Bee Pollen – this is considered by many health experts to be nature’s most nutritionally complete whole food. Countless studies have proven that Bee Pollen is one of the best natural supplements you can take for boosting energy levels and supporting the immune system, but did you know about these surprising additional benefits?
Along with its vitamins and minerals, Bee Pollen contains flavonoid antioxidants, as well as the antioxidant lycopene (usually associated with tomatoes), which work together to combat inflammation throughout all of the body’s systems. Not only can this help prevent disease, it may even help to slow the aging process.
此外, 蜂花粉已被发现有潜在的其他好处, 如舒缓皮肤炎症, 像湿疹和牛皮癣, 以及呼吸道炎症, 如果不加检查,这可能导致诸如哮喘的情况下 。
许多研究发现 蜂花粉具有与发酵食品类似的高抗氧化性。抗氧化剂是存在于植物性食品(通常是红色或深色食品)以及发酵食品中的天然化学物质。抗氧化剂有助于保护人体免受称为自由基的有害分子的损害。许多专家认为,这种损害是导致血管疾病和其他疾病的一个因素。
压力是当今社会的一个普遍问题,它也会导致各种健康问题。服用 蜂花粉有助于降低压力水平,使人们能够更好地应对压力。这是蜂花粉对健康的重要益处之一,因为控制压力会影响健康的许多其他方面。蜂花粉中含有重要的维生素、脂肪酸和氨基酸,有助于调节情绪,这意味着在您的生活中添加这种保健品后,可以降低压力并更好地控制压力。
事实上, 蜜蜂花粉被认为是有益于愈合, 德国联邦健康委员会认它作为药物。
Bee Pollen contains almost all the nutrients required by the human body to thrive.
由于新西兰蜂花粉的稀缺性,一些公司使用来自中国的蜂花粉,因此请务必检查您的来源,确保是新西兰蜂花粉。 Abeeco花粉Abeeco花粉是由蜜蜂从新西兰的森林和牧场采集,经过精心干燥和加工,以确保重要的营养成分不被破坏或氧化。
It is easy to incorporate Bee Pollen into your daily diet. There are many recipes that show how to include this sweet stable such as Smoothies, Overnight Oats or even sprinkled over your chicken dinner.
Information in this article shouldn't be considered medical advice. If you are considering taking bee pollen for its health benefits and are currently taking medication, please consult your doctor first.