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  • Can Horny Goat Weed Help Erectile Dysfunction?

    March 26, 2018 2 min read

    Can Horny Goat Weed Help Erectile Dysfunction?

    Horny Goat Weed is a plant that has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years to improve libido and sexual function in men. According to legend, its name came about because a goat herder noticed his flock became sexually stimulated after eating the plant, but it is also known as Epimedium and Yin Yang Huo.

    Dubbed a ‘natural aphrodisiac’ it is widely used by men to boost testosterone levels, arouse sexual desire, allay fatigue and boost erectile function.

    What is Erectile Dysfunction?

    Erectile dysfunction is defined as the inability to get and maintain an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse. Most men have experienced this some time in their lives for various reasons however this doesn’t mean that they necessarily have erectile dysfunction. If the inability to maintain an erection happens on a regular basis then you may have ED – it can occur at any age but becomes more common as you get older.

    How do Erections Happen?

    In response to mental or physical stimulation, the brain sends signals to the genital area to release nitric oxide which causes the arteries and smooth muscles of the penis to relax and fill with blood into three tube-like cylinders. At the same time the veins constrict trapping the blood in the penis which then leads to an erection.

    With erectile dysfunction, an enzyme called protein phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) interferes with the nitric oxide signals, which means the blood can’t flow into the penis, preventing an erection.

    How Can Horny Goat Weed Help?

    The primary active ingredient in Horny Goat Weed is an antioxidant flavonoid called icariin. Icariin inhibits the activity of PDE5 that blocks the dilation of the arteries of the penis. Interestingly, common erectile dysfunction pharmacy medications work in much the same way although at much stronger levels and with possible adverse side effects.

    Icariin may be able to help reinstate any lost ability to produce and signal nitric oxide and also help increase the production of nitric oxide if inadequate levels are being produced. It is reported to also boost testosterone levels, improve nerve function, arouse sexual desire and achieve better erections due to increased genital blood flow.

    When Might You See Results Taking Horny Goat Weed?

    It is important to realise that because Horny Goat Weed is a natural plant remedy the results will be slow and steady. Effects usually become noticeable within 1 month of daily use but this does depend on age, diet and your overall general health. The benefit of using Horny Goat Weed as a long-term solution is that you don’t need to preplan when you are likely to want to have sex or worry about not having the prescription you need – and even if you forget a dose it will still be working in the background in your body so that you can rise to the occasion whenever the moment takes you.