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  • Honey, the Healthy, Natural Alternative to Sugar

    March 15, 2021 3 min read

    bowl of sugar next to bowl of honey for abeeco blog: Honey, the healthy, natural alternative to...

    All around the world we're spending more time thinking about our health. Choosing natural, organic or fresh produce is one way to ensure our body and mind stay in the best shape.

    It can be difficult to choose a healthy, natural alternative to sugar and the sweet things we love. 

    This is where natural New Zealand Manuka Honey can be the perfect way to satisfy our need for something sweet.

    Manuka Honey of NZ offer some great insights into this topic.

    Manuka Honey v Sugar

    Is honey really a healthier alternative to sugar? Well, let's line them up against each other. 

    White table sugar contains 100g of sugar per 100g and Manuka Honey contains only 78g of sugar per 100g.

    1 teaspoon white Sugar = 19kcal, 5g carbohydrates
    1 teaspoon Manuka Honey = 17kcal, 4.2g carbohydrates

    Both Manuka Honey and Sugar are made up of glucose and fructose. In white sugar, these are combined to form sucrose. As honey is higher in fructose, it tastes sweeter than the equivalent amount of sugar. 

    Manuka Honey is the healthy, natural alternative to sugar because you can use less honey and still get the sweetness you're used to. 

    Abeeco MGO 350+ Manuka Honey produced deep in the rugged Taranaki bush, farmed for its rich, fertile volcanic soil and the wild Manuka nectar which produces a rich delicious healthy honey. 

    This honey offers a great substitute for sugar in your favourite hot drink or breakfast cereal and is also perfect for everyday baking and cooking.

    Extra Health Benefits of Manuka Honey

    Manuka Honey isn’t just a better choice for a sweetener, it also contains minerals, vitamins and other nutritional compounds.


    • Vitamin C
    • Vitamin E
    • Vitamins B 1,2,3, 5 and 6


    • Calcium
    • Chromium
    • Copper
    • Iron
    • Magnesium
    • Manganese
    • Phosphorus
    • Potassium
    • Zinc

      Nutritional compounds

      • Enzymes
      • Amino acids
      • Methylglyoxal (MGO) 

        With white sugar, sucrose is all you get. However, the natural compounds found in Manuka Honey means you reap the extra health benefits. 

        Manuka Honey also contains antioxidant vitamins C and E. Antioxidants help protect our body against cell damage caused by age, environmental toxins, inflammation, and sun damage. This type of cell damage can play a role in the development of cancer, diabetes, heart and eye diseases.

        The vitamins and minerals found in Manuka Honey are known to be good for our overall health and wellbeing.  B vitamins are important for energy production.  Calcium is necessary for good bone and heart health.  Iron is needed for energy and blood cell formation.  Potassium is a vital nutrient for a healthy heart. Zinc can boost your immune system and speed up wound healing. Natural food enzymes in Manuka Honey can help our digestion.

        Manuka Honey is widely known for containing the natural compound Methylglyoxal (MGO). Read more about MGO here.

        MGO is one of the compounds that gives natural New Zealand Manuka Honey its unique super-food properties. 

        Choosing Manuka Honey as an alternative to sugar means you get the extra  vitamins and minerals that may benefit your health. Not just a touch of sweetness but a healthy choice, too.

        Manuka Honey Is More Flexible Than Sugar

        You can use Manuka Honey everywhere you would use sugar: in baking, in your tea or your smoothie -but that's not all!

        Keeping a pot of MGO250+ Manuka Honey in your cupboard means you've also got access to a natural pharmacy. 

        Research has found that because of the natural compounds found in Manuka Honey, it can help heal wounds and soothe minor burns when you apply it to the skin.

        Manuka Honey can also help soothe a tickle in the throat.

        You can use Manuka Honey in the same places you'd usually use sugar AND in your natural first-aid kit, too. 


        Manuka Honey Is The Best Natural (& Excellent) Alternative To Sugar.

        The Manuka Honey of NZ website offers plenty of information relating to the uniqueness of Manuka Honey. Read more about the long history of New Zealand Manuka Honey use here.

        Featured products:


         abeeco MGO 515+ Manuka Honey